today in the life of moi
This is my blog. My blog. Not yours, mine. My blog. It is about me. Not you, me. And my life. Not yours, mine.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
i can die happy. finally.
i can die happy. finally i found my brown monkey pants.and in a size that fits me. hahaha. last time everytime go da cave i find always no size one. but today suddenly got size. maybe the fucker last time bluff me? maybe because last time when i buy my black monkey pants from him i bargain with him until he dulan. so now he recognise me he dun wan sell things to me already. but anyway. i finally got my monkey pants in brown. hahaha.
and i just recalled something very very very funny that happened a few days ago. alex kay kiang go and slide down railing. hahaha. almost fall down. laugh until crazy. but this incident not as good as shawn tan last time la. right shawn? can remember? fall down not good enough. must drop on people. hahahah. poor innocent bystander walking down the stairs suddenly a motherfucker drop on him from above. hahahah. somemore poor guy must help shawn up himself cos me and suthan were too busy laughing our asses off. wahahaha. cruel. i know.
besides buying the monkey pants that i been hunting for eons, today was a fairly boring day. first time that i can recall in my poly life that i had to go home on a wednesday straight after school because got nothing to do. T_T WAHHAHA.
anyway. after come home went out again play tennis with john tan. and i realise that everyone in his estate talks like him. with the word 'type' as a punctuation. this is a new dialect of singlish called 'pinegrovish'. you would be able to guess its origin by looking at its name. oh. and the man at the mama shop calls john 'Doctor John'. its okay boy. take your time. come out from jc go to poly still can go to university one. AHHAHA. Dr John Tan Wei Yang PhD(pinegrovish). dun pray pray. best in pine grove, innova, and some say causeway point. wahahah.
anyway. i got to go now. still need to go and search for my labcoat for tomorrow's microbiology practical. where the fuck did i chuck it to last sem. too bad uncle verce never teach how to go lab dun wear lab coat. damn.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
alex tay is motherfucker
alex tay is motherfucking xia lan xia liu bei bi bian tai motherfucker. i think thats about all the insults in chinese which i learnt from tong xing yuan. later must ask edmund for more.
anyway. why is alex tay a motherfucking xia lan xia liu bei bi bian tai motherfucker? hahah. okay i start my story now. we were early for our physiology lecture just now. we went to the lt which was empty. so we go inside and play. edmund and alex found a laser pointer, which was used to help zhida lasik his flat cornea into a nooormal one. when lynn came into the lt, alex who was holding onto the laser pointer aim right at her. erm. below. hahaha. yes so that's today's story. alex is a motherfucking xia lan xia liu bei bi bian tai motherfucker.
oh and he insists that it wasn't intentional. riiiight. hahaha. we believe you! REALLY! hahaha.
okay. enough about motherfucking xia lan xia liu bei bi bian tai motherfuckers. oh yes. alex is a fucking hum ji kia too. hahaha. dare to call me hum ji. but look whos the one running huh? ITS U BIATCH. hahahaha. faaaaaggggggggggggggggggg.
okay okay. really. enough about motherfucking xia lan xia liu bei bi bian tai hum ji motherfuckers. yawn i am so bored. hmm. new show on ch 5. or at least one i havent watched before. about terrorist one. cool. the last show that was showing at this timeslot was earth: final conflict or something like that? i happened to have watched the first episode twice (NOTE: first episode TWICE). just the first episode. lol. ch5 keep repeating their shows. few days back they just showed the movie sphere which i remember watching on the same channel just at the end of last year/ beginning of this year. apparently trey says the book very good. i wanna read it. seems interesting. damn movie incomplete one. haha.
im listening to the song edmund recommended to put on my background music. the sound like not so hardcore techno. lol. i dunno la. im not a techno lover. by the time you're reading this, if you tun up you speakers it should be playing on your speakers already. haha. turn louder! the quality abit bad. haha. i've removed it. i know how irritating it is.
die another day's showing on channel 5 soon. finally we get something new. and i'll be looking forward to watching it yearly. lol. oh and i'm looking forward to something else too! and no, its not thirteenth of december. heh. check it out:
Monday, November 28, 2005
photos from marina bay last week!
group shot!
wheres john? heh.
go figure. lol.
hah. henry neo. face it. i pwn j00. bwahaha.
definition of motherfucker #1
definition of motherfucker #2
group shot~!
john dun shake backside la
damn. the last pic doesnt want to load. so thats all la. dun care. i'd be so pissed if something goes wrong with the publishing and all the pics dissapear. it took me damn fucking long to upload these pics.
anyway. i was watching project runway just now. and i realise that the male designers are gayer than the models on manhunt. whats the world coming to. looks like designers with mohawks dun have as much luck as models with mohawks. aww.
and i found a tetno song to upload as my bg music already. but i dunno where to host it. someone help me pleaaaaaassseeeeeeeee. haha. um-zi um-zi -um-zi. \m/
alex's masterpiece
hahaha. today during anatomy class alex bring joshua go toilet style hair. hahah. this is how it turned out.
stylo ah? the behind is i make one leh! hahaha. got future? anyway. these photos were taken with the digicam i stole from my sis recently. but of course. there are situations where you still have to take out the handy handphone camera. heh heh heh. anyway, any one wanna invite my client for auditions may contact me, his manager. thank you. hahaha.
so later on the train we spotted a ang moh char bo. carry tennis racket sia. edmund's type. tall tall summore. hahaha. sp one leh! should be la. since she boarded the train at dover. edmund confirm go try out for sp tennis liao ah. ahhaha. wait kena pwned by the char bor i laugh! hahaha. joshua tell me she sit to farrer park. see next time can spot her leh. ahhaha.
and i've got no idea why. but the tv is on kids central. and its showing justice league now. wonder woman and the green latern just got pwned by a few circus freaks carrying lightsabers. oh and batman just got pwned too. fucking noobs. i dont get the show. these cartoons are getting so complex these days. i'd rather watch tong xin yuan. its so much more... brainless.
shawn motherfucker tan pang seh me. knn i on the train already then he tell me that he not going. waste my fucking time. so i got off at tiong bahru to take bus home. from tiong bahru, i went into THREE 7/11s looking for that long rod like thing that they sell at the 7/11 at far east plaza. but dun haf. so i settled for a cheesy coney dog. is that wad its called? that costed me two bucks. TWO FRICKIN BUCKS! when i pulled it out of the packet i couldn't help but think of it as a fat penis. and it isn't worth the money. imagine a cheap microwaved hot dog wrapped in a mcdonald's hotcake. in the end, i burnt my tongue and my fingers. fuck. i swear i'm never eating it again.
woo. singapore idol is coming back. hope singapore doesn't choose a wannabe rockers and singers this time. they need someone like.. hmm.. me! HAHAHAHA. spongebob is on tv now! gonna watch it now! byebye!
four fucking idiots stand in front of the mirror in the toilet. block the whole fucking passageway. all 4 touching their hair infront of the fucking mirror but their hair all still look like fuck. if your hair look like that:
then maybe got some reason la. but if you've got hair like that:
..then fuck off.
knn. i know damn bastard la. but i damn dulan. those 4 motherfuckers really deserve it. nabei. if not inside toilet i take their photo post here ah. wait i take photo people say bian tai how. better not. its now time for miniclipping! out!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
zhng-ed my blog
zhng-ed my blog. nice anot? hahha. the picture i stole borrowed from trey til i find something appropriate to use. leave your comments please! hahha. fixed the sidebar. found out that the thing causing the problem was the huge xiaxue picture in a previous post.
i just cut moi hair today
hanarh i know la. i tell many people that i dun wan to cut my hair for a few months la. but cannot tahan. too ugly already. hahah. must go and cut. so i went to the scene at raffles city. the usual place. but this time they like hire new assistant. they hire people to wash customer's hair/colour customer's hair/blow customer's hair. on previous occasions the people doing this were all females. but today they seemed to have a new employee. or one i havent seen before that is. that guy was so fucking gay man. the way he walk and talk. omg. when he asked to go to the area to wash my hair, i had the urge to cover my backside on the way there. ah. but not very nice right. wait he see then his feelings hurt den he shampoo my hair with aosept god knows what how? so better not la. i try to walk faster. then he wash my hair. the way he shampoo like polishing his brand new ferrari. so gentle. eeyeerr. even the girl who did it for me the last time got more power ah. yes. and i dun wan to cut my hair liao for a few more months. haha.
anyway. i just recalled something that shawn told me a few days ago. he tell me to stop talking to the computer and go do something else. motherfucker. like he never blog like that. hahaha.
oh yes. just now went to town with john tan again. go to the shop in the corner of far east plaza where they sell monkey pants real cheap. much cheaper than da cave at queensway sells them. almost 10bucks cheaper man. but too bad dun have the one i want. otherwise i sure buy. today no luck. fuck ah. wan buy t shirt no size. wan buy pants no colour. god is telling me not to spend money and stay at home and watch tv.
anyway. its time for dinner. and i think you're wondering what's the 'moi' doing in my title. i know. im wondering too. hahahah.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
silkroad online
whee. i finally found a new game to play! its so much more interesting than maple. and read this. its 3D! HAHAHA.
anyway. just now i was supposed to go with shawn tan to queensway. he wanted to buy a bag i think. everytime go with him queensway he either wan to buy bag or buy boots oni. so boring right. anyway. i was supposed to meet him at 4+ there. but i took a nap at 3 and guess wad time i woke up. SIX. HAHAHA. so too bad. he must go alone. summore he say he never buy anythingf can blame me for making a wasted trip. bastard. if i go he dun buy thing i oso wasted trip right? no logic. haha. when i ps him, i sleep until so shiok ah. got dream even. hahaha.
anyway. its time to go back to silkroad. must go and find henry neo bak zhang. out.
Friday, November 25, 2005
during rajeev's prac today we were walking around in the W125 and on one of the notice boards was this advertisement looking for optometrists. guess what the salary was...
OPTIONAL?! who the fuck would tell you 'okay. this month i happy u can keep my pay cheque. i donate to the pantry fund. we'll have more biscuits for our daily gossip sessions this month!'. no logic. or 'i struck 4D this month. i'm not comfortable with having so much money in my bank account.'. wheres the logic right?. apparently somebody had seen the advert b4 us and made a comment on it which i cleverly removed. heh heh. all i need to do is pick up a few photoshopping skills from trey and i'll be on my way to xiaxue-dom. i've decided to carry the camera which i had inherited stole acquired from my sis recently. in case situations like this where the need for a camera arises. i cant afford to pay for mms charges everytime i spot something weird. haha.
anyway during our 3 hour break today we went to jurong point for lunch. being the assholes that we are, we just HAD to step into toys r us. so many things that i don't remember seeing during my era. hahah. they even have night vision googles and virtual reality games! how kewl is that! hahahah. me ed johua and zhida got matching waterbottles from toys r us that keeps your water cold for, according to the saleslady, FOUR hours! wahahah. all of us will be carrying the same bottle to school soon. hahaha.
the next photo i took today. today dunno why so many cool things to photograph.

latest design by reebok. ladies get it while stocks last. who needs roddick? we've got soh zhi da! ai. actually wanted to get zhi da to hold up the t shirt to himself den we take photo but he shy. wasted. hahaha.
oh yes. i was supposed to blog about this yesterday but i totally forgot. alex has finally admitted that he actually shaves his arms and legs. i feel sorry for him. can even ask whats wrong with that. haiiiiiiii. another comrade has been lost to the dark purple side. i cant help but wonder whether he does it down there. damn. must get this thoughts out of my head or i'd probably not strike 4d for the next twenty years. damn. at least he confirmed that he is an ah kwa kia. ahahha.
after kenneth's report writing lecture we went for our monthly adrenaline stupidity rush.
first time i ever uploaded videos. hope it works! hahaha. zhida was walking under us. he say got lecturers downstairs looking up at the ceiling. wondering how come the roof shaking. OH NO! THE SKY IS FALLING! Hahahahah. edmund lao da and joshua all hum one. when zhida say got lecturer they all zhao until 6th floor all haf. i clever. run 3rd floor go lift lobby. hahaha. after tt i call them edmund tell joshua i kena caught he wan to run away sia! hahaha. it was fun man. alex.. wish u were here! HAHAHA.
anyway. time to go sleep already! good night! hahaha.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
those were the days
come to think of it, its been about a year since we were all freed from that hellhole. but think about it summore, it wasnt that bad after all. except for the people who made our lives difficult (you all know who you are, i'd be flattered if you were reading this). ahh. now switch to reminiscence mode already. even though shawn and i reminisce regularly about the times we had in fairfield. the gardening club, mr magoo, anthony tan, chemistry chia, and of course lau woon yoke. oh. and this is a little known fact. i wonder whether anyone knows who was the motivating factor behind jason 'act innocent' ow's one and only yellow form in secondary school when he stole the broom from shi jian hua's classroom. bwahahah. thats for you all to find out. heh heh.
today go class gathering with all the bastards, neo bak zhang, gabriel, ziluo, john 'tua neh bu' tan, joel lee, shawn 'motherfucker' tan, shane and me and the 2 act innocent bastards nicholas and jason. long time we havent relieve our stress until so song. for me at least. dunno bout the rest. haha. joel lee kena influenced by all the ah bengs and ah lians he mixed with. must post those photos when i get hold of them. hahaha. henry neo is as bastard as ever. still owe me money. john tan neh neh grow bigger. yeah. thats about it. the rest all still as bastard as ever. ahaha.
china girl at the station persuaded us to get on her bus. 10 bucks for bbq steamboat live prawns included. after a long discussion and much persuasion by the china mei mei aunty, we got onto her bus and headed for dinner. during the dinner. the most used name at the table was none other than 'john'. poor john go anywhere oso kena bully. he only hope everyone is like his o level f&n invigilator. 'slowly ah boy. take your time ah'. hahahha. you wish. gabriel joined us later.
so after our steam boat we went to pak abit of kiew (not john's) and then we all made our way back. however the best part of the night doesnt start til we left marina south. in the mrt station we stood at the staircase for a good 30minutes taking photos in dumb poses. what pose u want, u name it. hahha. i shall post them after i acquire them. later when we decided to leave the station because the station master like dulan us already, we faster board the train and continued our madness. the lady sitting opposite us also like abit dulan already. we all like high on crack.
we got off at raffles place, gave gabriel a WARM goodbye and left for home. then we got on another train and guess what? we continued the madness (duh). all those motherfuckers hold me dun wan let me drop off the train. really like sec sch sia! hahhaa. havent had so much fun in a long time.
anyway. its getting late already. tomorrow must go for monica's practical at 8am. damn! and before i leave, i'd like to say that the only thing i learnt after my 10 years of primary and secondary education isn't:
fuck calculus. here is a simple equation that applies on 4G:
Berwin + waste paper basket = Berwin in a funky helmet and a very amused class.
night! shall post pics when i get them.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
class gathering tomorrow
joel lee just now tell me tomorrow got class gathering. say shawn tan supposed to tell me. but shawn tan the mother fucker never tell me. tsk. hope he falls off the railings when sliding down. just don't drop on anyone the next time biatch! hahaha.
im watching the sixth sense on tv now and i just realised somthing. bruce willis is balding damn badly man. and this show is what, 10 years old? hahah. by now i think he got 1 big hole on his head liao. lately he like never act in alot of shows ah? none that i can think of anyway.
today before shirlena's makeup class we went to queensway. zhida wan to buy racket and edmund wanted to buy shoe. lidat i dan easy earn money sial. all come my turf lidat collect 10 bucks each i earn 50 bucks. but since all fren fren. i let them off la. come in accompanied by me dun need pay money. hahaha. so good right this kind of fren. went to queensway for lunch. actually wan to eat the katong laksa. but alex ah kwa cannot eat laksa os must go macs lor. hahha. the new tepanyaki burger is d4 1337. i dunno whether tt term can be used to describe food. but what the heck. lol.
we met coach there. siala he from behind call us we tot hu sia. so later we saw him looking at the price sovereign racket. song bo. got case one ah. 800 bucks. i only want the case. the racket dun need. put my racket in carry the case around can liao. whahaha. edmund buy barricade 3 from the land of no return. he try and bargain. end up kena jacked by the old man. tell him '100 dollars you wait 2 more years la'. HAHAHA. so sad right. den summore now he want to go back tmr and change size. too free ah he. haha.
damn. the silkroad file corrupted. take so fucking long to dl and it is corrupted. damn. nvm later try again.
i've been wondering oso. i use singtel broadband 1500. its shared between 2 PCs. the plan has been upgraded twice from 256>512 and to 1500 only recently. but everytime upgrade the speed like the same. fuck. dunno why sia. since its shared between 2 computers shouldn't it be like 1500/2 = 750? and previously 256/2 = 128? how come like all feel just as slow?! issit my computer or wad? anyone who knows can tell me pls? or maybe i should ask arun. he should know. hopefully. hahah.
okay la. late already. i think imma go slp soon. out.
finally finish doing the results to the psychophysical methods prac. do until blur sial. last sem learn how to plot graph all i forget already. die ah. lucky i call zhida for backup. ahahah. den he help me. otherwise this time really die ah. haha.
now downloading silkroad online! the file is so damn huge and it is downloading so slowly. gonna go read up on the game for the time being! out
Monday, November 21, 2005
sbs route planners have got no idea.
after i play pool finish wif shawn tan i wait for bus to come. i wait, i waited, i waited and i waited. two 273s came, but no 195s came. i waited for more than half an hour. still got no bus come. end up i dulan take taxi. chee bye. sbs route planners got no idea.
this not first time. other time i want to go school or come home i oso wait for bus 14 so fucking long. 14 can wait half hour come one. 74 can wait half hour come 6. chee bye. sbs route planners got no idea.
not only that. last time secondary school i wait for 33. sometimes can come half an hour 1, 195 come half hour three. den when i wait 195, 33 1 hour come three, 195 half hour 1 also haven come. sbs route planners have no idea.
so not only that. when the 33 come already, especially in the mornings. the fucking bus is packed til the door. wait next bus, next bus also packed to the fucking door. sbs route planners have got no idea.
i bet i got more idea than any one of the people planning the bus routes. hire me~! i can even tell you the simple solution here. increase the frequency of buses. is that a very hard thing to do? they continuously increase bus fares and left train stations closed, which magically opened when the elections came. so, as i have said. sbs route planners have got no idea.
okay, enough about route planners not having any idea. shawn tan just tell me. the transvestite or the transexual or the thing(as shawn puts it) or whatever you want to call her/him/shim who used to work at the gleneagles 7/11 which closed down is now working at the one at bukit merah central! i wonder what sort of affinity 7/11 has with transvestites, transexuals or things. theres one working at the one outside my house to. weird eh?
so since i'm on the topic of 7/11, just now before we made our way to safra, we met at redhill mrt. i hungry so i go to the 7/11 and buy something to eat. i try the thing they call 'triangle puff' its actually some triangular shaped pastry with curry puff stuffing. all i can say is that it tasted like fuck. the crust was as hard as wood. like they keep the thing for 3 days and then reheat and sell. oh i forgot 7/11 doesn't close. so it was probably in there for 3 days? then shawn tan call me to get a drink. i go to the fridge. i see this bottle of milk tea that i never seen before. so i buy. must try new things right? it tastes like. hmm. a typical bubble tea stall's milk tea with an extra 4 tablespoons of condensed milk. whats the world coming to. it costed me a total of 3+ bucks?
so we go outside. bus stop there got old man selling otah. 3 for 1 dollar. i buy 6. cost me 2 dollars. taste a million times better than what i bought at 7/11. praise the lord.
anyway. enough bitching for the night. i feel like a sarah tay. damn. okay. time to go maple! hahaha.
Friday, November 18, 2005
alarm clock almost play me out.
just now b4 go for the report writing class i take a short nap first. so i scared i oversleep i set my alarm clock. but then, as the title states. my fucking alarm clock played me out. knn. nvr ring. lucky some irritating song played on my sis's com woke me up. otherwise jialat ah. hahah.
so after the class i call rynel su. call him go play pool. but he say got things on. basket after tt 5 mins later call me back say wan go bukit merah pirated cd shop buy cd. confirm is bluff me he got thing on. end up i even meet him on the bus! hahaha. but he think wad say dun wan go already after tt say wan go i go? hahaha.
anyway. i need to go do thing liao. blog tonight if maple still down!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
microbiology is a damn boring module man. today morning do microbiology prac. so troublesome one. before start must cover all open wounds wear apron lab coat wear covered shoe. cher say the lab use to see blood one. say wait the blood got wad infection den can spread. aiya. so scared for wad. the blood sample got AIDS right? before you handle it, WEAR CONDOM LA. so easy also dunno. walao. haha. summore take the sample already cher say cannot anyhow scratch scratch can get wad chim chim infection ah. but the chiim chim word translate very easy one. is call chee bye infection. so chim confuse ppl nia. they so kiasi, how come throw away the biohazard dustbin never wear biohazard suit sia. i've always wanted to own one. hahahah.
wah im falling sick man. morning wake up almost cannot come out of bed. can die ah. aiya i go play maple already. out
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
which singaporean blogger are you?
Congratulations Jacob, you are...

Scarlett Ting of
You are independent, smart and beautiful. Its too bad you don't see that yourself because life's little difficulties brought down a lot of your self confidence. As a result, you talk cryptic and you don't trust people easily. You care a lot for your friends and your loved ones, sometimes even more than you care for yourself, although they don't always seem to appreciate it. Don't let that affect you. As the saying goes, you don't miss the water till the well runs dry. So hang in there, you're a star in the making.
now i am on my quest to find the right combination of answers to become XIA LAN XUE~!
Congratulations Jacob, you are...
'Xia Xue' Wendy Cheng of
You are a goddess/god. You've got the looks, the brains and the body. You have such an irreverent sense of humour, people listen to you religiously and worship the ground you walk on. On the other hand you can also be straightforward, blunt and very very controversial. That has the potential to offend many people, but of course you don't care, you just shoot. In the end, people either love you or hate you. Nothing in between.
quite interesting sia this test. haha. actually it wasn't that hard to get xiaxue. hahaha.
the hottest book in town
the hottest book in town is in our possesion. wakakaka. anyone who wants it please contact either of the two gentlemen in the photo and we can work out a reasonable price. bwahahah. check out edmund's funky transition lenses! lol.
aiya. shld make lao da carry a knife put at the book look exactly like terrorist execution photo sia!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
another one bites the dust.
dear eddie,
wherever you are now i'd like to thank you for providing me with hours of entertainment. eh now i just remember, i might have your raw deal face card somewhere in my stack of cards. must dig out one day. haha. and lastly, i'd like to say, WE LIE, WE CHEAT, WE STEAL. wheeee. god bless you. ^^
anyway, just now i was sitting on the bus and i saw outside the window the taxi driver at the traffic light take out newspaper and read man. i dunno why but i am very fascinated with what he did. haha. i wanted to take a photo and post here but unfortunately my handphone camera not powderful enuff. wasted. but how much can you read at the traffic light man. if i i think i take out the newspaper read a few lines the light change colour already. waste time oni. somemore i had the impression that all taxi drivers like to chiong off immediately when the light change colour? how to chiong if you got newspaper in your hand? hahaha.
tuesday is the worst day of the week. 4 hours of dawn tan, nvm she not so bad. still got 3 more hours of Doctor Koh. its Doctor. not Miss, mind you. but 3 hours not enough, she want to extend to FOUR hours. i still cant stand her damn accent. i dunno why i cant get over it. but i really cant stand her accent. damn.
okay la. say enough already. see how tonight i post again. byeeeeeeeeeee!
Monday, November 14, 2005
nothing ventured nothing gained
new phrase i learnt while watching las vegas today. found it interesting so post lor. haha.
so everyone faster call your bookies now! hahaha.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
its going to be a rough night.. i guess
i just drank 1 and a half cups of hot chocolate which my sis made for me. she tell me the cocoa powder she made it from was in the fridge for 3 years already (SOMEBODY SAVE ME!). die ah. tonight really die ah. i anticipating already. hahaha. might spend alot of time with my best friend tonight.
i now on the boat back to victoria. thats why i come and blog. watch the boat move realli very boring. its damn lame la. why the heck do make u wait.
nvm. cannot talk about maple too much. wait i go back to my maple addiction how? haha. aiya. sht. i reach victoria already. i blog tonight.
Friday, November 11, 2005
the pleasures of life
the pleasures of life are:
and last but not least,
21. MY BED.
damn i have no idea why i posted this today lol. got nothing better to do. and notice that maplestory was not included in my list of pleasures. woohoo. i officially declare myself clean of my maplestory addiction. *play final fantasy victory music*
anyway. today i learnt that rynel has never eaten bak kut teh in his life before. and he doesnt eat pig trotters and chicken feet (listed as #18 and 19 on my list of pleasures). walao. if dunno how to eat all this how to become good chef. aiyo. oni noe how to jiak kantang. haiiiss. all i can say is, God Bless Rynel Su.
stupid shawn tan eat finish faster zhao home. say that his mother call him. dunno bullshit or wad one ah. he like to bullshit us oni. i just learnt why shawn tan like to take train recently man. cos on the train he can kol his balloon girl and tok. basket like on the bus canot. no logic man. call himself genius summore. give stupid idea make transparent dustbin. tsk. im a better genius man.
ohya today rynel show me his book on picking up girls. wah its so thick man. see already i scared ah. he say very interesting somemore. wah he carry the book go school to read during his 3 hour break man. i din know that rynel is this type read book one. i tot he and his frens oni noe how to sit at the vietnam cafe and play dai dee like got no tomorrow. oh yes. i forgot to add that as one of the pleasures of life.
yes. thats better. its so much more complete with that small addition. okay now i shall rewind the clock further and tok abt wad we did in the morning.
today morning, wee ling pang seh us again. at least this time she never send old man to show us lame video on algae and bacteria. the whole video so long i oni pick up this 2 words. notice the use of the word 'words'. so me joshua zhida edmund lao da go holland v eat xo fish head bee hoon. the owner's face so xia lan. nowonder shawn tan swear that he will never patronise that stall. but it was damn shiok man. next week we maybe go again. but this time we order no xo den edmund will bring xo so we can add xtra xtra xo.
so later we go to peninsular to find for shoe. edmund wan to buy tennis shoe. walk round the whole place oni can find a few shop that got sell it. end up edmund decide to buy his shoe from the land of no return in queensway. someone save him quick!
den we go next door funan center cos joshua wan to buy microphone so he can save phone bill toking to god knows who thru msn. lol. zhida actually say wan to buy mango cake gif weihan from funan center. but then we go there walk walk walk. he say he think the shop close down! hahahaha. so end up they buy a hello kitty cake for her. hahaha. wasted never take photo. forget ah. otherwise can post here.
anyway. i think i have posted long enough for today. time to go chiong maple! pang sai~! ahhh cannot tahan already! cya.
after my 10min daily self evaluation session, i realised i missed out 2 pleasures.
shiet my burp smells of kiam chai from just now.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
maple very boring
maple very boring. so i'm bloggin again. i just read shawn's press-scroll-arrow-down-twenty-six-times-post(according to him. i count is oni 16 times leh. must be my computer more pro. lalala). hahaha and i learnt that rynel owns a book on picking up girls? oO interesting man. so how rynel? the book good anot ah. haha. shawn tell me got reviewed on straits times one ah. dun play a ful. so rynel i'm expecting a 3000 word book review on your blog ah. or else i will send u to join the gardening club! heh heh heh.
i was toking to john tan on msn just now. and he finally has admitted that he is coming to poly next year! woo. john we'll welcome you with open arms dun worry! u come to sp u will be under rynel's protection, nyp got shawn and np got henry neo bak zhang~! hahaha go tp den we cannot garuntee your safety already. ohya. lasselle got suthan s/o pribakaran. tell u come poly dun wan. ngei ngei ai ke jc. now we cannot help u already.
oh ya. today mrbrown show come out new episode!! zhng your car 2! darrell's ah kwa chia break down so cannot come. call kenny sia from KZK. malaysia the garage ah. dun play a ful. imagine west coast customs put in malaysia. call KZK. wah song ah. west coast custom pimp the hummer. KZK zhng the lao pok motorcycle can carry whole kampong! and johnny can zhng miyagi's mazda honda 323 (which apparently is currently in pieces). ahahahaha! i compare this 3, i think KZK the most powerful one ah. the lao pok motorcycle zhng already still can carry whole kampong ah. dun play play. shawn oso can go. can zhng his hot air balloon put spoiler all maybe can fly faster ah. den dun need everyday take train from gombak go dover go redhill go ang mo kio go geylang. can take his hot air balloon wif rolls royce engine fly here fly there.
soemmore shawn wan to zhng all the dusbim make transparent so that terrorist cannot put bomb.i think that is damn stupid. if wan put bomb hu will take bomb throw in lidat. of course i will tie in a plastic bag put inside alot alot layer of bag put luggage put suitcase den throw right? stupid. ah shawn ah. why u throw the rubbish never wash your hand ah. very smelly you know? nvm out of point. lolol.
ah i think i go sleep already! tomorrow weihan birthday. she threaten to come my house and kill me if i dun buy her present wor. like she know where i stay lidat. anyway nightz~
today wear long pants go school
if anyone was wondering why i wore long pants to school today.. hahaha. okay. story time. i like to tell story.
yesterday i go out right? i wear my new shoe go. my VANS OLD SKOOL. and they gave me 2 fucking huge blisters on my ankle. so today when i wan to go out. i cannot find socks high enuff to cover the blisters. otherwise very pain. i find find find.. cannot find. end up. the oni socks that i found which were high enuff were my sister's schools socks. ahahahah. so yeah. u guessed right. i wore her socks to school. lucky no one see. hahaha
aiya sian. today's story veryshort. so i shall tell another one. yesterday i fucking sway. i ran into 2 seperate groups of people on 2 seperate bus rides. first i ran into a bunch of indonesian students hu acted like they owned the fucking bus. knn talk so fucking loud until they irritate some ang moh down there. that all from queenstown sec one. so nvm. after tt i ran into another group. i think is ghim moh sec one. actually they quite quiet one. but got 1 fucker. fucking hell. laugh and tok so fucking loud. until like stand outside the bus oso can hear him laugh ah. feel like telling him to shut the fuck up. ahhaha his fren call him a disgrace. fucking loser.
kids these days.. haiss. aiya. no more story liao. 10% tnl~! chiong arhhhxxss~~!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
mo ni ka cheng
nabei. 7am come out from the shower just nice recieve msg from winnie say monica cancel lecture. lucky i haven leave house. poor edmund leave house already. ahahah. so i go clementi meet him go buy textbook as planned. but nnb clementi dun sell the book. so we go pak kiew. i win him every game. muahaha. den later we go queensway. at queensway edmund buy the shirt fucking nice man. if he dun buy i buy already. cos 2 ppl buy same shirt like very eeeyerr. haha.
so after tt i meet john tan. john tan is oso a mother fucker. arrange meet 1.30. i reach late end up still must wait for him. knn. so later wego queensway. knn 1 day go queensway twice ppl think i siao. luckily the l.e. shop guy not there. so cannot pierce my balls. lalala. haha. summore eat the laksa already i stomach ache man. i think the fucker buay song me or smthing cos i throw away his sea hum. hahah.
my sister just told me that one of her frens, hu is a guy with a girl char in maple, has a maple bf. ahahahha. den he go around muack muack ppl. ahahah fucking funny man. maybe i shall try that in future =p.
haix. i dunno wad to say liao. out
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
rynel su is motherfucker
yes rynel. thank you very much for your insightful post about the man utd vs chelsea match post that sounded like it was ripped off from the sports section of a newspaper. but ure still a motherfucker. bastard. ahahha. pang seh me. knn. ahahah. anyway after that anna say she dedicate song to us on 933. so i go and listen. firstly, the fucker cant pronounce my name. and secondly. he din read your name. bwahahah. cos he knows you're a motherfucker. hahaha.
so, yes rynel su is a motherfucker. and something very strange just happened. i found 3 t shirts in my cupboard which i havent seen b4. so, i guess i got 3 new shirts to wear lor. ahahah.
oh and rynel i just remembered that i was asked to wack u. hahaha.
and noobs in maple are really pissing me off. i was trying to sell off my lvl35 set so since it was a bowman set i thot i would go to henesys and camp with minigame room open. so a bunch of fucking noobs entered my room and asked me 'wanna play?'. fuck how hard is it to understand a room title which read 's>legolier set, lvl35 hat AFK'?! fucking noobs. i swear i'm never going to attempt selling things a henesys again. anyway, i'm 2million mesos away from my olympusssssssss~! wheee!
aiya. nowadays maple oso so sian. no time to play. ocme home from sch cant even lvl 1 time. and den somemore my favourite blogger mr-v on hiatus summore. sian ah. this has been the most sian period of my life. SIAN~!
i go watch the dumb 9oclock show liao!
Monday, November 07, 2005
black hair
actually i want to tomorrow den post. but den agnes reminded me of sumthing tt happened today.
lek jia jia say my hair very black. say she tot i dye my hair black. wth man. thats like the biggest waste of money. if my hair is naturally black why the fuck would i want to dye it blacker. lol. anyway it look very black meh. look normal mah. haha. maybe i should go and change the colour. gimme siggestions leh. haha.
anyway i need to go get my daily dose of blangla vs ah beng already. 1 week never get liao. my hands trembling. i cannot think properly. ahhh.
shawn tan change 'block'
knn i sit here in front of the computer at this damn create a post screen for abt an hour watching this lame jack neo variety show until shawn finally come online tell me he change blog address. den i got thing to blog abt liao. his new address is knn lame right? maybe i should start one oso ew19queenstown tok abt everyday i take train go where take bus go where. nvm not funny.
anyway. i came back yesterday i know what the 33 bus at high speed felt like the other day. LIKE AEROPLANE LANDING AT AIRPORT. knn the sound the feeling all the same.
OMG patricia mok won the game! i was hoping the guy won. whatever his name is.
oh ya. i juz rmb. wah yesterday in hong kong b4 we go on the plane ah. got alot of camera man all take photo of some dude there sia. i think he's an actor or smthing. he looked kinda familiar man. siala after tt when they interview him we all down there standing behind him. maybe im famous already. don't worry. i'll remeber all of you when im famous and strike it rich. heh heh heh.
oh and i said i'd post the picture of cinderella too. haha.

haha abit small ah. but nvm la. i din take photo la. i juz chop place in the queue for my sis ^^
anyway why shawn want me to get zhok by mafia so badly. walao. im so hurt la. ahahah. wait i kena zhok already den i dunno whether i can depend on him to find ransom money go and save me. wah. imagine if shawn really take out money pay ransom for me. he muz walk home from nyp everyday den can earn back the money man. ahahah.
and can any1 pls fill me in on this dumb show tts showing at 9pm on ch8. wtf. julian hee can dance in the fountain dun get wet. den the stupid ah bengs can give him 300 bucks. chee bye. this type of scam oni can scam ah beng ok. u think wad. knn. if he can really dance in the fountain dun get wet. i cut my cock gif him oso can ah. nnb. bluff small kid nia. tsk. crime watch show bluff old woman. this dumb show show bluf small kid. u all must beware! muahaha.
AHAHAHAH. he dance in the fountain tt time split his pants! AHAHAHAH. oO. got jeannette aw oso. shawn tan favourite. eh balloongirl ur competitor leh. heh heh. lol. jeanette aw in an afro. speechless.
hai. i wan to go watch tv liao. blog tomorrow!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
today morning go out yum cha. now in my aunty house watch tv. tonight going back singapore liao! after a week without maple, im so surprised i survived. wahahhaa. fuck tomorrow must go school. i hope the flight kena delayed or smthing. den dun need go sch tmr. wahahaha. song ah. but den cannot play maple oso. muz chiong lvl liao. lvl50 here i come~!
the flight very late ah. 8oclock. reach home by the time 11 oclock liao cannot play maple. tomorrow morning muz wake up early first thing in the morning listen to the bloody arun tok shit about 'wireless-es' and worms. yawnz. i hope he falls down on the way or smthing. lol. i hope.
woo. theres blue's clues on tv now! last time my favourite show leh. ahaha. damn cool man. aiya i forget how the song goes liao. nvm i go watch already. and try to recal. ahahha.
p.s.: john tan im still in hk today.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
today go shopping.
today go shopping sial. john tan see this: i bought vans old skool checkered one sia. ahahah. song bo.
hunny dun worry i took many photos of winnie the pooh's hunny pot email u for u bday(sah kar me first).
rynel su stop calling me. i say many time liao this not normal phone sex hotline. this one more expensive than the 1900 hotline one. dun play play.
shawn tan is not i dun wan to blog. i got no chance to use computer la. today i got chance so i shall write a long long post la. happy?
yesterday i go disneyland. wah very fun man. song bo the train to disney land the window got mickey mouse head shape one. haha.
long time never so happy(retarded) already ah. go in oni like become small kid again. damn wasted man. dun have the its a small world ride. that one my favourite ah i so sad down here dun haf. ahahaha. but got winnie the pooh ride. damn fun ah tt one. haha. but slow slow one. for small kid oni. i nvr tell anyone this yet but winnie the pooh was probably my favouritest cartoon character when i was.. hmm.. younger. hahah. dun u always wonder. where on the fucking earth is the hundred acre forest? and how big is a hundred acres are? aiya. now talk abt winnie the pooh. hunny too bad la. they never sell just the hunny pot alone. otherwise i sure buy give u. so too bad lor. got photos oni. lala. after tt sit buzz lightyear ride. can take gun ad shoot shoot the targets one. song bo i got 999,999 for my score okay. pro eh? ahahah. to infinity.. and beyond!!! ahahah. in fact, rynel su called me while i was queuing for this ride. i would have answered if calls were free. damn.
walao. and den u see the number of people queuing to take picture with cinderella. can die ah. i post the photo i took when i get back. ahhaa. cinderella ang moh one ah dun play play. oni thing never wear glass shoe. never wear glass shoe den not cinderella liao wad. cos the cinderella story revolves around tt glass shoe which was supposed to magically disappear at midnight, which didn't. tio bo? ahhaha.
yeah. so tts abt it abt my disneyland adventure. i shall upload the photos when i get back. hahaha.
aiya fuck i think i wan to go slp already. this damn place muz walk walk walk like hell one. damn tiring. nite.