today in the life of moi

This is my blog. My blog. Not yours, mine. My blog. It is about me. Not you, me. And my life. Not yours, mine.

Friday, December 16, 2005

the mostest irritatingest show in the wholest widest world

lately on tvmobile they've been showing this show diva on the dime. its some makeover show where they get someone to go for a makeover. they will attempt to dress a person in what looks like designer clothes, but at a fraction of the cost.

i find it the most irritating show on earth for a few reasons:

  1. The hosts are fucking irritating
  2. Besides being irritating, the guy is damn gay(but not happy), i think his name is Maha. although he's in a different league from the austin guy in project runway, he's still damn gay.
  3. Thankfully they replaced the fag with another less faggorty guy
  4. They forever use the same lines, 'and today for our inspiration look, we will be using a beautiful [insert random colour] piece designed by [insert random designer]'s from his [insert random season] [insert random year] collection. In total, it costed [insert random four digit number].
  5. They repeat each episode about a million times a week, before airing the next one.
  6. Due to my short journeys on the bus, the same segment of the show will be showing everytime i watch it. Most of the time i will be watching the part stated in point #4(otherwise that damn gundam cartoon/anime/whatever you call it would be showing)
  7. I never never ever get the chance to watch the reveal [refer to last point]
  8. They drive ah kwa chia
  9. Lastly, the guy is fucking gay(eh.. have i mentioned this? bah what the heck.)

i swear i'm bringing my mp3 player everywhere i go now. so i won't have to torture my ears listening to a bunch of wannabe designers talk shit. this damn dancing show has a very lame ending. too bad i don't watch it enough or i'd do an alternative ending for it too. wahahah.

click to enlarge it!!



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